Why - You Being You

Most of us receive no guidance on how to live aligned with our higher Self awareness. Many feel disconnected resulting in widespread anxiety and depression. We’re conditioned by education, cultural and family patterns which often orient around the good/bad, right and wrong paradigm .

Learning to see ourselves as whole beings living in an interactive universe shifts everything. In this time of collective change we are being woken up and shaken up. Many now recognise ‘there’s got to be something more to life’ or ‘there’s something mossing’ and there is!

YBY introduces how to engage our true nature of wholeness, oneness and love. This simple thinking upgrade can immediately transform our lives. The ideas feel familiar as the truth is ageless. They touch our Hearts and clear our minds. Living in a place of higher awareness we feel happier, lighter and free.

YBY facilitators offer a lifetime experience of Chinese medicine, Buddhist philosophy, and Yoga. We introduce spiritual teachings, pathways and practical tools which empower you to be your beautiful you.