Heartfelt Living

Instinctively we know the Heart rules, yet most don’t know how.

Why is the Heart so important?

What does it do?

Why listen to the Heart ?

Ancient cultures see the heart as ‘the bridge between the worlds’. As a centre of energy, it conveys universal healing power. In Yogic traditions it is the home of pure awareness, known as the ‘Self’. In Chinese medicine the Heart is recognised as the 'Supreme Controller’, it rules the mind. Many ancient wisdom traditions revere the Heart as the sovereign ruler of our lives.

Cameron’s book Heartfelt Living introduces HOW to connect with our Heart.

Heartfelt Living is a map for how to navigate this time of collective awakening. If you’re seeking a more expanded life, this book is for you.

  • A step by step guide, looking at where you have been, where you are now, and what to choose next.

  • Universal teachings on the goodness, truth and beauty of life.

  • Tools for aligning our Hearts and mind to access the knowing of our deep down Self.